If you are looking to make your home a bit more eco-friendly you have came to the right place! Over the past 10 years companies have been focusing on serving the needs of eco-friendly home owners resulting in many products available in the market. From walls and floors to the cleaning products used in your home, many products are available. Lets take a look at the most noteworthy areas in your home to go green!
Use Energy Star Products
If you have a home that does not hold heat or cool air well due to outdated insulation, doors, or windows maybe it is time to look into replacements. There are many Energy Star products that can be installed to help with temperature control. Furthermore, windows are tinted to avoid light pollution into the room. This will help keep that room cool in the heat of the summer. New doors, windows, and insulation in your home will greatly increase the comfort level and decrease electric bills. Energy Star products are a little more expensive than normal products due to the amount of money they save in utilities. Over time the price of products and utilities will offset each other and money will is saved.
Unplug Appliances
Appliances turned off but still plugged in use energy! Laptops, cellphones, printers, microwaves, all of these constantly use energy regardless if we are using them or not. Unplugging these devices can help bring that annoyingly high electric bill down.
Check your Plumbing
That little drip in the pipe under the sink amounts to a lot of water overtime. Not only for water preservation but also maintaining the wood around the area, it is important to fix these drips immediately. One small leak can amount to gallons and gallons of water lost every single day.
Use a Rain Barrel
A beautiful new house with gardens surrounding the property will greatly benefit from a rain barrel. Instead of turning on the hose and watering your garden the old fashioned way a rain barrel can provide the same service but in a much more eco-friendly way. The barrel is filled with rain water during a storm and allows for many uses.
Replacing Filters
Overlooked all the time, clean filters will allow perfect air flow throughout your home and will decrease your electric bills. This also promotes a healthier environment in your home as air flow is not protruded. Creating the perfect environment in your home is the end goal when you go green!